Skills going to lead the upcoming emplyoment market


The future employment market will be radically novel. It presumed that the work and work process shall be totally technology driven. For attaining success,job seekers need to focus to improve their skills based on the newly established emplyoment requirements. To establish a baseline for self improvement, the skills set required are the detailed below .

 Multiple problem solving skills

 Active listining |Analysis |Research|Creativity|Communication|Dependability |Decision making |Team Building 


 Strategical thinking 


  Create | evaluate |Analysis|Apply |Understand | Remember 

 Team management 

  Good and effective communication | Functional skills| Confidance| Fairness |Respect |Adaptability 


 Excellent Coordination ability 

  Sharp communication |External organisational behaviour | Internal orgainsational behaviour|

  Emotional Intelligence

  Self awareness|Empathy|Motivation|Self regulation |Social skills|

  Visionary and Decision making 

  An ability |Capacity|Sensible|Conclusion|Percieve|Distinguish Relation

 Service Orientation 

  Paitence |Attentiveness|Ability to communicate clearly |knoweldge of the product |Ability to use positive language     Acting skills |Time management 


 Communication | Persusion |Planning |Strategizing|cooperating 

 Congnitive Flexibility

 Good mental ability|Proper transfer to knoweldge|Skills to new context 


  Creativity|An ability to produce new things | skills of imagination|willingness